What Goes Into the Preparation of an Early Learning Centre Curriculum?


Early learning centres are the institutions where your child is likely to have their first major interactions with their peers and with formal learning experiences. These first days of education can form long lasting impressions on your child and define their interests and goals from an early stage.

As a result, the curriculum of early learning centres plays a significant role in encouraging your child to think and explore. Early childhood curriculums are typically composed of the following key elements. 

Basic Principles

One of the defining principles is the view of all children being equal, capable and competent. An effective curriculum should emphasize a readiness for children to learn and to explore their rich and powerful ideas. The curriculum should also closely observe the interests and skills of children so they can continuously implement activities that meet the needs of a particular class.

An early learning centre curriculum should also be grounded in the emotional well being of children, strong communication, socialisation with peers and an effective channel for receiving continuous feedback from the children to the staff.

An effective curriculum is also grounded in the ability to notice and appreciate the unique abilities of each child in order to nurture their specific talents. This involves paying attention to various personalities, styles and abilities.

A day in the life

After the basic principles and philosophies of the curriculum have been developed, the next step is preparing the daily experiences of the children. This is the part of the curriculum that is most visible to you and your child on a regular basis.

A daily early learning centre curriculum typically involves activities such as drawing, games, puzzles and reading books. There are also playtime activities and discovery practices that are tailored to each child's interest.

On a daily basis, children should be exposed to a wide variety of experiences that involve creativity and constant challenges. They should be free to experiment with different tools and objects that they can manipulate, examine and construct.

The key towards an effective daily curriculum includes a balance between individual, small and large group activities that are combined with instruction and experimentation for the children.

The experiences of children

An early learning curriculum is also designed to facilitate the experiences of children. Through a variety of unique activities, children can develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others so they can begin to shape their personal and social goals. The curriculum will also encourage children to develop positive attitudes towards learning, problem solving and critical thinking.

In conclusion, an early learning centre curriculum is grounded on a set of basic principles, daily life experiences and the shaping of long-term behavioural patterns in children.


25 January 2018

Tips For Choosing A Nursery

Finding a nursery that provides a stimulating and safe environment for your child can feel like a daunting task. I've used nurseries for all four of my children, and as my husband's job requires him to move around the country frequently, I have gone through the process of selecting a suitable nursery around fifteen times. I started this blog to provide a parent's view of nursery care and share practical tips you can use when choosing a nursery for your child. My posts cover a number of topics, such as spotting red flags, working in partnership with nursery staff, preparing your child for starting nursery and asking prospective nurseries for the right information. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.